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Teacher tips - A guide to abbreviations

Teacher tips – A guide to inspiring others in Education

Did you start in school an expert?

Or a bit like me, secretly trying to make sense of school jargon… “What are all these abbreviations being used?!”


What is an abbreviation?

The oxford dictionary defines an abbreviation as a shortened form of a word or phrase.

‘SKU is the abbreviation for Stock Keeping Unit’

So simple isn’t it?

Really not trying to be patronising, just trying to make things a little easier for you to understand.

If any of you suffer from Dyslexia like me, you will need things to be very clear and straight to the point!

When I first walked into the wonderful world of education, it was a bit of a confusing place for me.

“What is LLC? Who are SLT? What is an IEP?”

The main purpose of my blog today is to add a little clarity, by explaining the meaning behind some of the abbreviations you will encounter.

I hope this blog helps, but if it has been an entirely annoying read please let me know.

My time in Education has taught me that constructive criticism is a great way to just self-evaluate and think about the bigger picture.

So not to worry, you will not upset me If you do not like the content today!

Here at some things to expect…

Teachers’ timetable

  • TT – Time Table (sorry I do realise this is an obvious one!);

  • LLC – Languages, Literacy and Communication;

  • ICT – Information Communications Technology;

  • DT – Design Technology;

  • A&D – Art and Design;

  • PE – Physical Education;

  • H&W – Health and Wellbeing;

  • RE – Religious studies;

  • EA – Expressive Arts;

  • WD – Welsh Development;

  • KUW – Knowledge and Understanding of the World;

  • PD – Physical Development;

  • CD – Creative Development;

  • MFL – Modern Foreign Languages;

  • M&N – Mathematics and Numeracy;

  • S&T – Science and Technology;

  • DC – Digital Competence;

  • MAT – More Able and Talented (pupils);

  • HA- Higher Ability (pupils);

  • LA – Lower Ability (pupils);

  • SoW – Scheme of Work;

  • Y1, Y2 – Year 1, Year 2 etc;

  • PSE/PSHE – Personal, Social and Health Education (usually taught between the ages of 7-19).

The PSHE association state that the PSE curriculum aims to;

  • Develop learners’ self-esteem and a sense of personal responsibility;

  • Promote self-respect, respect for others and celebrate diversity;

  • Equip learners to live safe, healthy lives;

  • Prepare learners for the choices and opportunities of lifelong learning;

  • Empower learners to participate in their schools and communities as active; responsible citizens locally, nationally and globally;

  • Foster positive attitudes and behaviour towards the principles of sustainable development and global citizenship;

  • Prepare learners for the challenges, choices and responsibilities of work and adult life.

Around the school

  • RRS – Rights Respecting Schools;

  • SLT – Senior Leadership Team;

  • LAC – Looked After Children;

  • LEA – Local Education Authority;

  • NoR – Number on Roll;

  • BT – Behaviour Team;

  • PRC – Pupil Referral Centre;

  • PRU – Pupil Referral Unit;

  • SENCO – Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator;

  • SSE- School Self Evaluation;

  • STF – Special Teaching Facility;

  • IC – Inclusion Centre.

Special Education

  • ALN – Additional Learning Needs;

  • SEN – Special Educational Needs;

  • PLMD – Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties’;

  • GD – Global Delay;

  • BSL – British Sign Language;

  • MLD – Moderate Learning Difficulty;

  • SLD – Severe Learning Difficulty;

  • IEP – Individual Education Plan (Curriculum based targets around Literacy and Numeracy, and behaviour or social targets taken from pupils’ statements);

  • AR – Annual reviews (Meetings that are held to discuss pupil progress and IEP targets, what’s working well or what is not);

  • BP – Behaviour plan (Do’s and don’ts to support individuals’ behaviours);

  • PP- Pupil Passports (Helpful tips about how to support individuals, around the school, what they like or don’t like, medications they may need and when etc);

  • PEPs – Personal Education Plans;

  • NAS – National Autistic Society.

Have your say

Did you find this blog useful?

Do you know of more school abbreviations not covered here?

There are bound to be more, please let me know.

If you are seeking part time or temporary employment, or are working in Education and you would just like to have a chat about this blog, please feel free to contact me via email at or call me on 02920 496646.


Oxford dictionary

PHSE association

Successful Futures, Looking at the Curriculum and Assessment Arrangements in Wales