It's Blue Monday: So here's a blog post to make you smile :)
Well everyone, it’s the third Monday of January, AKA Blue Monday, AKA, what some call the saddest day of the year. But fear not - we’ve created a blog post so BURSTING with joy that it’ll give you no choice but to smile :)
Let’s start the only way we know how…with a dog photo! Meet our Marketing & Barketing Team, who are very happy to be back together after spending the Christmas break apart. It’s probably safe to say that Charlotte was slightly more excited to see Kira than vice versa!
Next, a fun fact that will hopefully make you smile. Whilst Blue Monday is thought to be the saddest day of the year, there’s also a happiest day of the year, sometimes known as Yellow Day! Yellow Day tends to fall around 20th June - which makes sense as it’s the day before the longest day of the year - more daylight, yay! Think June is too long to wait? International day of happiness is on 20th March! So pop those dates in your diary and see if you can plan the happiest possible days!
Speaking of dates, the next thing to make you smile, is the fact that there are only 9 weeks left in winter! Okay, we know that sounds like a lot, but considering we’ve been dealing with dark, cold weather since October, we’re well on our way to spring! We think it’s a pretty great season - daffodils, sunshine (we hope!), park picnics, Easter chocolate - what’s not to like?!
Finally, here’s a good deed to make you smile! Today, the Samaritans are handing out free teabags at railway stations in the West and South West of England to encourage people to get together with a brew and have a chat about mental health and loneliness. They’re calling it Brew Monday, something that Staffroom can definitely get behind, as we love a cuppa and a catch-up!
We hope that this blog has put a smile on your face - you’ve got this! And don’t worry, we’ll let you into a secret: there’s no science behind today being the saddest day of the year! :)