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Why Every Teacher Should Blog...

thought bubs

It's been one of those weeks. You're tired, struggling to find your 'happy place' and work just seems to multiply every time you take your eyes off it... but god forbid you moan. Teaching is hard. We've said it before and we'll say it again, and again, and most probably again, but god forbid you moan.

Why? Why do so many keep the ups and downs of their working life in when it could be so beneficial to share them with others. Plenty are in your shoes, plenty are ahead and plenty are behind, so giving yourself a little freedom of speech means you can relax and relate to people all over the world. It's no surprise that in this industry you can’t help but think about teaching often, and sometimes in your time of need you HAVE to re-convince yourself that you do love to teach. All teachers know about fatigue and desensitization, and all teachers love to share ideas, so why not blog?

By sharing your experiences, you are actively improving teaching. Everyone has the desire to grow in their craft personally, and the best way to do this is to learn from others. The idea of sharing an article is second nature to most educators today. Three words have transformed the world of writing: copy, paste, and send.

1. Before you say it, you do have time

Setting up a blog online doesn't mean you have to write on it all day, every day. Dedicate a time each week or even monthly to gather your thoughts and get them off your chest. Keeping a list of topics that you're passionate about stored on your phone or in a diary also means that you're never short of things to say (or forget about something you were particularly passionate about sharing last week when you didn't have the time).

2. We're all Teachers, but we don't all agree

Yes we're all after the same thing but we don't all have the same ways of doing it. Different opinions are what make us human, and sometimes it's great to offer them out so that others can challenge your train of thought. Remember to stay true to what you believe and create pieces that capture how you are honestly feeling. Although it's a little daunting to begin with there are plenty of people who will relate to the position you're in and will love that they share an understanding (or alternatively disagree). Either way debate is healthy and it helps us grow.

3. If you're going to say it, you may aswell write it

Your friends and family get the brunt of your bad mood after a bad day in the classroom, and even after a rant or two they just don't seem to understand. If you're going to get it out, you may aswell share it with others that can offer a solution (just always remember to make sure that what you write isn't offensive or detrimental to your position). In times of need, it's beneficial to have someone that's been there and done that' to tell you to 'get a grip' or reassure you that these things do get better. A problem shared is a problem halved and in the blogging world there's always an answer.

4. It's simpler than it looks

Plenty of websites offer easy set up and access, so there's no need to get confused with the nitty, gritty details. There is no criteria to meet and no deadlines to hit, forget about the strict rules of school life and write about anything you have an opinion on. Even if you believe your idea isn't 'perfect' get it out there! Sharing ideas sparks others and before you know it you'll have a range of topics that you can't wait to blog about.


Blogs offer a level of interactivity in real-time that can be used in so many positive ways. It also gives you the opportunity to connect with other educators and share your knowledge, whether it be what works for you, or more importantly, what doesn't. Being active and public about your teaching has a lot of benefits. When we blog, we have the opportunity to critically analyze what we are doing in our classrooms and reflect on areas that may need improvement, by letting others get involved and offering help to others, you are able to solve plenty of problems that you may of otherwise kept in.

It's so easy to stick to what you know but with technology forever adapting it's the best time for us all to jump on the blogging bandwagon. We ask our constantly pushing our students to step out of their comfort-zones and talk about their experiences with others,  shouldn’t we try it, too?

Are you a blogger and want us to share your stories? Tweet us at @staffroomed.