Dark Mornings and Dark Evenings - A Guide

Ugh! It’s that time of the year again where the clocks changing is pretty much around the corner. No matter what career you’re working in the chances are very likely that you’re going to have to face going to work in the dark, and well erm, coming home in the dark. Gross. But just before it happens, being the lovely folk we are, we thought it would be a nice idea to share some tips on how to deal with dark mornings and dark evenings. Goodbye winter blues.



Plan a Holiday;

Planning a holiday is an incredible way to beat those blues. Literally nothing sounds and feels better than escaping to some winter sun, right? Cocktails, beaches and exploring are the perfect trio. Even if your holiday isn’t planned for the winter, having something to look forward to will be extremely motivating. Those dark mornings and dark nights wont seem so much of a chore when you have something exciting planned in the horizon!



Have a Breakfast & Evening Meal to Look Forward to;

Waking up and starting the day with a yummy breakfast will make an enormous change on your day. Whether you’re an eggs on toast sort person or quite simply enjoy a bowl of Cheerios, knowing that your belly is full from something you love will make you feel much happier for the day. Promise. To top it off have something even yummier to look forward to in the evening. Who would have known that scheduling your day around meals could bring such happiness to your life?



Get Yourself Organised;

There is absolutely nothing worse than feeling rushed in the morning and the night! Lists will probably become your new best friend and knowing that you’ve got some organisation will make those dark mornings and nights feel less manic! Before you know it you will fall into a routine whereby it will feel somewhat normal.



Make Time for Hobbies;

It’s easy with dark mornings and nights to fall into a mode of hibernation. Of course hibernation and being lazy to some extent is a real nice feeling, but make sure you have enough time for hobbies! Try picking up a new book, trying out a new sport, bake some cakes,or even take up knitting (you could potentially knit every single Christmas present…). Hobbies will stop your days merging into one big blur and break them up nicely!



Coffee and wine will become your best friends. Coffee will perk you up in the morning and a glass of wine will help you wind down in the evening. You could even make it a rule to try out a different type of coffee or wine every week and become the ultimate wine/coffee expert!

If you’ve got anymore tips to deal with winter blues leave a comment down below, tweet us @staffroomed or let us know through Facebook!